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challenging is that government accounting systems do not document most items in a way that would enable an easy assessment of the resources directly used, or the full tiffany bangle on sale impact. Accurate accounting is important because it provides information on the use of resources that is essential for good governance. Transparency--clear, accurate financial information that is made available in a useable and timely format--is an essential part of democratic governance and accountability.

The way we account for our troops matters. For example, from the sole perspective of military accounting, the cost of a soldier's life is valued at $500,000, ($400,000 in life insurance and $100,000 in "death gratuity" payment). This number does not reflect either the true budgetary cost to government or the economic cost to tiffany bracelet on sale. It does not include, for instance, the cost to the military of recruiting and training a new troop to replace the one who is lost, and the impact on morale and mental health on the rest of the unit, which may result in higher medical costs. It also does not reflect the economic loss of a young person. By contrast, when civilian agencies such as the EPA and FDA are evaluating a proposed regulation - when they compare the cost of imposing a regulation to the potential lives saved - they estimate the value of a life at between $6 million and $8 million.

Once a government embarks on a war, it has a myriad of decisions to make. Not the least of these is the decision about when to exit. An accurate assessment of the full costs of war--including, for instance, the full incremental cost of a surge of, say, 30,000 troops for one year--is an essential ingredient in making good decisions. The budgeting and accounting tiffany cufflink on sale should be able to accurately track what has been spent as well as to anticipate the order of magnitude of future costs. For example, if 50,000 troops have already been wounded, it is feasible to estimate the approximate minimum future liability that the government will incur to provide these veterans with medical care and disability compensation (if a business incurs a liability to pay for injuries to some of its employees, it is required to make a provision for this liability). For an ongoing war, an accurate accounting of costs incurred is important information in assessing likely costs going forward. Any business would want this kind of information as it made decisions; any publicly owned tiffany earring on sale would be required to keep its books in ways that investors could see the future consequences; and good business practice requires that the firm set aside money today for future obligations, like retirement benefits, accrued today. We should expect no less of government.

It is important to realize why such information is so important. It is partly a matter of accountability--how are our citizens to evaluate and judge a particular course of action if they do not know the costs? But tiffany key ring on sale accounting leads to bad decisions. If we do not take into account future disability and health costs, there is a temptation to scrimp on current expenditures, without regard to future costs. Good accounting frameworks would show that such a course was penny wise but pound foolish.


Par tiffanybangles11 le lundi 01 novembre 2010


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