from in-patient units to early


Twenty-four studies provided data on the DUP of participants, which varied substantially across studies (Tables 2 and 3), probably due in part to differences in definition and atlas jewelry (Compton et al. 2007). The median DUP ranged from 4 weeks for a study from New Zealand (Turner et al. 2006) to 68 weeks for a study from Germany (Fuchs & Steinert, 2004) (median across studies=21.6 weeks).

Of the 23 studies that measured DUP, 15 examined a putative association between the pathway to care and DUP (Table 1). Ten studies assessed the impact of the first contact, with two finding no significant association (O'Callaghan et al. 2009; Sharifi et al. 2009) and a third having an insufficient sample to allow cushion jewelry to be drawn (Temmingh & Oosthuizen, 2008). A Canadian study found evidence that patients whose first contact was with a non-physician had a significantly longer DUP (Bechard-Evans et al. 2007). Descriptive data from German studies also indicated a longer DUP for patients who made first contact with a non-physician or at a hospital for another complaint (Fuchs & Steinert, 2004), and a shorter DUP for patients who made first contact with emergency services (Kohn et al. 2004). By contrast, a U.S. study found longer treatment delays when first contact was with a general practitioner (elsa peretti jewelry et al. 2006). Data from France suggest longer delays when first contact is with a private psychiatrist, as compared with a general practitioner or public psychiatrist (Cougnard et al. 2004 b ). Similarly, a study from China also suggests that DUP is longest when the first care pathway contact is a psychiatrist or psychologist (Chiang et al. 2005). Finally, a study from Singapore found no difference between making first contact with a traditional or religious healer as compared with those who sought help from another type of care pathway contact (Chong et al. 2005).

Five studies assessed the impact of the referral source on the DUP, with two finding no significant association (Scholten et al. 2003; O'Callaghan et al. 2009). A study frank gehry jewelry Canada found that patients referred from in-patient units to early intervention services had a significantly shorter DUP, whereas patients referred by community agencies, psychologists, or psychiatrists had a significantly longer DUP (Addington & Addington, 2006). Similarly, a study from Switzerland found delays in time to referral when the referral source was a psychiatrist, psychologist, or non-physician service, as compared with referral by a general practitioner or psychiatric services (Platz et al. 2006). Data from the UK suggest that individuals referred by a home treatment team or the emergency department had the lowest DUP (Cratsley et al. 2008).

Lastly, a study from the UK reversed paloma picasso jewelry direction of the association and looked at the impact of DUP in predicting the type of care pathway contact. This study found that having a long DUP (>66 days) was not predictive of having a general practitioner or criminal justice source of referral (Morgan et al. 2005

Par tiffanybangles11 le vendredi 29 octobre 2010


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